The conference
is English

10.–11. April 2024
in Münster, Germany

Conference as part of the
Advanced Battery Power Conference 2024


We would like to thank you for your participation, the numerous presentations and the many interesting and good discussions at the international Vehicle-2-Grid conference. We look forward to seeing you again in Aachen from 1 to 3 April 2025.

10.–11. April 2024
in Münster, Germany

Conference as part of the
Advanced Battery Power Conference 2024

27.–28. April 2023
in Aachen, Germany

Conference as part of the
Advanced Battery Power Conference 2023

Hybrid conference:

Conference language

Vehicle-to-grid, Vehicle-to-home und Smart Charging

Technical and systemic perspectives from industry and business

Photo review 2024

Electric car batteries can do more than just move cars! From an economic and ecological point of view, it makes sense to use electric vehicle batteries for grid stabilisation in the future. By 2030, there could be a controllable potential of up to one hundred gigawatts, which is far more than the output of all current storage types combined.

At Vehicle-To-Grid, discuss with experts from business, the public and science how this potential can be realised in your organisation or field of activity! The focus will be on implementation options within the next few years.

If you attend the conference, you can also attend individual keynote speeches and the complete poster presentations of the Advanced Battery Power 2024, which is taking place in parallel, free of charge.

With vehicle-to-grid and vehicle-to-home, the battery of an electric vehicle is not only charged, but also discharged. The term changes depending on the objective being pursued. With vehicle-to-grid, energy is stored from the battery when the power grid needs it, e.g. to replace renewable generation, stabilise the local grid or provide balancing power. Vehicle-to-home (or vehicle-to-building) in turn means that the vehicle battery is used to either consume more energy locally from the vehicle’s own PV system, provide an emergency power supply or reduce the peak loads of electricity consumers. If you are also working on these concepts, we look forward to welcoming you.

Smart charging means that a vehicle is charged when this is particularly favorable. This can mean, for example, that a surplus of (locally generated) green electricity is available or that there is currently too much energy available in the power grid. Conversely, this also means that charging is reduced or interrupted when electricity is currently in short supply.

An exact estimate is difficult, as it depends on many different variables. Currently, about 56 gigawatt hours are installed in cars. In 2030, this value could grow to several 100 gigawatt hours, which would correspond to a multiple of today’s storage capacities. How much of this capacity can actually be used is difficult to estimate. However, since vehicles are usually stationary for 23 hours a day and virtually never more than 10% of the vehicles are in motion at any one time, very high values can be expected. If you have ideas and questions about how these capacities can be used, we look forward to your participation!

Currently, secure capacities must be available for grid services. This means that it must be guaranteed that a certain amount of energy and power must be available in case of doubt and that cars cannot move freely. However, regulatory changes are likely here. In addition, the necessary technical standards ISO 15118-20 and OCPP 2.0 are not yet widespread. As a result, current technical solutions are not always compatible. However, this should also change in the near future. Do you work in this area or have alternative suggestions? Then please come and take part in our discussion.

Compared to the current status quo (full charging of vehicles after arrival), the vehicle battery benefits from intelligent charging – with and without additional battery activity. The reason for this lies in a special feature of the lithium-ion batteries used, which age both chronologically (ageing due to existence) and cyclically (ageing due to work). The calendar service life is shortest when the battery is fully charged. Smart charging, vehicle-to-home and vehicle-to-grid reduce the average state of charge and thus extend the service life. However, even additional cycles hardly lead to accelerated ageing if up to a maximum of 20 per cent of the battery’s energy is removed in one cycle (quote from Hecht and Figgener, PV Magazine).

All the important components are ready and will be transferred to the mass market in the near future. The best way to find out exactly when this will happen is to discuss it with our speakers at the conference.

Five focus topics along the value chain:


Practical projects

The conference places great emphasis on the practical implementation of ideas, which is why the “Practical projects” session is dedicated to projects that have already been realised. Here, players from all areas of the value chain share their experiences from field tests, practical projects and the commercial operation of bidirectional vehicles.


Charging infrastructure

The charging infrastructure is experiencing dynamic and rapid development cycles, and for a long time now a modern charging point has been able to do much more than just supply electricity. Charging infrastructure provides the central communication interface between vehicles on the one hand and home energy management systems, grid operators, aggregators, etc. on the other. Especially in the bidirectional area, DC connections are often used, which is why the charging points have to provide alternating current rights approved for the grid. In this session, charging infrastructure manufacturers, operators and other protagonists in the charging infrastructure ecosystem will speak.



Bidirectional charging is transforming the vehicle from a pure consumer to a player in the electricity market of the future. In order to successfully implement new applications and business models, vehicle manufacturers are facing new challenges. Vehicle batteries must be able to provide more cycles in an energy-efficient manner and new communication interfaces must be implemented safely – all without jeopardising the primary purpose of the vehicle: To transport people and goods reliably. In this session, automotive companies will share their experiences and current ambitions in this area.


System integration

With vehicle owners, aggregators, energy companies, backend operators, vehicle manufacturers, grid operators and many more, there is a wide variety of players in the field of bidirectional charging. In this session, we will look at concepts on how all players can be integrated into a common value chain and thus achieve system integration.



The question of whether electromobility will strain or overload the electricity grids is a major concern for many citizens. The background to this is that an expansion of the electricity grid often takes years or decades and sometimes fails due to resistance from the local population. Electromobility, on the other hand, is growing much faster. During the conference, our speakers will show how electromobility can stabilise the grids and prevent them from being overloaded.

Selected international speakers 2023

Well-known speakers will highlight the focus topics “V2G and V2H from a vehicle perspective”, “V2G, V2H and smart charging from a charging infrastructure perspective”, “Pilot projects and demonstrators” and “System integration”.

Michael Schreiber
Head of EV Aggregation Platform
The Mobility House GmbH

M. Sc. Jan Figgener
Head of Department Grid Integration and Storage System Analysis
RWTH Aachen, Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives

M. Sc. Christopher Hecht
Grid integration of batteries and storage system analysis
RWTH Aachen, Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives

Lennart Hoffmann

Project Manager – EV V2G & battery flexibility
Next Kraftwerke GmbH

Dennis Schulmeyer
Founder and CEO

Norela Constantinescu
Head of Section Innovation at ENTSO-E
European Network of Transmission System Operators

Dr. Stefanie Wolff
Managerin Elektromobilität Europa

Dr. Andreas Kammel
Senior Manager

Jürgen Werneke
Head of Research and Development
Hubject GmbH

Dr.-Ing. Marc Mültin
Founder & CEO
Switch EV Ltd

Dr. Stephan Hell
Director Product and Project Management Charging Solutions
KOSTAL Industrie Elektrik GmbH

Quentin Maitre
Chief Marketing Strategy &
Development Officer

Markus Wunsch
Head of E-Mobility Power System Integration
Netze BW GmbH

Prof. Mattia Marinelli
Head of Section on E-mobility and Prosumer Integration
Technical University of Denmark

Sebastian Bösche
eMobility Consultant
umlaut energy gmbh

Jorg van Heesbeen
CBO – Co-Founder

Prof. Andreas Ulbig
Head of Institute
RWTH Aachen

Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Holger Hesse
Fakultät Maschinenbau,
Hochschule Kempten

Ilona Friesen
TÜV Rheinland Consulting GmbH

Esben Hvid Jørgensen
Lead Data Scientist

Bram van Eijsden
Energy Development Manager
TotalEnergies Marketing Nederland N.V.

Sebastian Lahmann
Nationale Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur/NOW GmbH

Dr. Martin Beuse
Director Corporate Development and Battery Business
HagerEnergy GmbH

Jan Burkhart
Hager Electro GmbH & Co. KG

Interactive exchange between business and science

Each programme session ends with a time slot for your personal questions and discussion with the speakers and participants. The speakers will be available for discussions during the conference.

The accompanying public poster session will convey scientific content, research findings and ideas in a direct dialogue. The researchers will be at their posters and available to answer visitors’ questions. The integration of the conference into the international Battery Power Conference offers a broad spectrum for encounters and intensive dialogue.

If you think about bidirectional charging as the future of electromobility, the following terms automatically come to mind:

Vehicle to Grid (V2G), Vehicle to Home (V2H), Smart Charging (V1G), and Vehicle-to-Building (V2B) are different operating modes related to (bidirectional) charging.

For the grid connection of the electric car, charging infrastructure with Combined Charging System (CCS) or CHAdeMO standard is required, the former in combination with the ISO 15118-20 communication protocol.

Using the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) version 2.0, back-end operators, aggregators and energy companies can interconnect the individual electric vehicles capable of feeding energy back into the grid to form virtual power plants and thus contribute to grid stabilisation.

Distribution system operators and transmission system operators are very interested in opening up the control reserve market for electric vehicles so that they can also provide control reserve in the same way as stationary storage systems.

In order to bring these concepts to market maturity, issues relating to battery ageing, regulation, digital resilience and (open) protocols still need to be discussed.

This means that OEMs (vehicle manufacturers), network operators and end customers (vehicle owners) as well as industrial companies and service providers that operate and charge vehicles are all involved. Billing companies and lawyers must also be involved. This shows the complexity of the issue.

From an economic and ecological point of view, it seems extremely attractive to use unused or barely used and expensive energy storage capacities to stabilise the electricity grid. The construction of power lines can thus be partially avoided and periods without wind and solar yield can be bridged in the best case. The legal framework conditions are important for this.

Diese und weitere Themen werden auf der hier angebotenen Tagung V2G behandelt.

The conference will take place parallel to the international conference Advanced Battery Power. The English-language keynote speeches, the exhibition and the poster session are equally accessible to both groups of participants. It is even possible to attend the parallel sessions of the other conference.